Open Fit hearing aidRIC
Behind-The-Ear hearing aidBTE
In-The-Ear hearing aidITE
in-The-Canal hearing aidITC
Completely-in-the-Canal Hearing AidCIC
Open Fit hearing aidCROS / BiCROS

Receiver-in-Canal (RIC) Hearing Aids

RIC hearing aids are discreet devices behind the ear with a slim wire attached to a speaker in the ear canal. This allows for an “open fit” for more natural sound quality. However, “vented / bass” domes, “power” domes, or “custom” molds for more severe hearing losses are an option. 

Open-Fit hearing aid

Behind-the-Ear (BTE)

Sit comfortably behind your ear while amplified sound passes down a tube to a customized earmold that fits securely into your ear. Because they are larger, BTEs can accommodate bigger batteries for longer life and larger amplifiers for maximum amplification. BTEs are suitable for mild to profound hearing losses.
Behind-The-Ear hearing aid

In-the-Ear (ITE)

Custom-made to fit securely in your outer ear, ensuring optimum performance and maximum comfort. ITEs are suitable for mild to severe hearing losses.
In-The-Ear hearing aid

In-the-Canal (ITC)

Custom-made to fit almost entirely inside your ear canal, making them difficult to notice. ITCs are suitable for mild to moderately-severe hearing loss.
In-The-Canal hearing aid

Completely-in-the-Canal (CIC)

Fit deep inside your ear canal so that they’re practically invisible. Benefits include cosmetic appeal, reduced feedback and excellent sound quality. CICs are suitable for mild to moderately-severe hearing losses.
Completely-In-The-Canal hearing aid

CROS / BiCROS Hearing System

This hearing system is designed for patients with unaidable hearing in one ear. The CROS system wirelessly transmits a signal from the unaidable ear to the better ear. The BiCROS system works similarly, however, also amplifies sound in the better ear if a hearing loss is present

Open-Fit hearing aid


Hearing Accessories and Assistive Listening Devices (ALD)

Accessories and Assistive Listening Devices can be used with hearing aids to help you hear better in background noise or if you have poor speech understanding. Accessories and ALDs offer better Signal-to-Noise-Ratio (SNR) in complex listening environments.

Hearing aids, accessories, and assistive learning devices.


Devices that improve SNR to help you hear better in complex listening environments such as in your workplace or noisy environments. 

A device for pediatrics to improve SNR
A device for pediatrics to improve SNR
A device for pediatrics to improve SNR


Devices for children to improve SNR in busy and noisy classroom environments. Direct Microphone (DM) technology offers superior SNR to improve hearing in academic settings. 

Custom Noise and Water Protection

Reduce the chance and recurrence of ear infections with custom fit swim plugs. Jump into the pool without any fears.

Reduce damaging high frequency sounds that may cause Noise-Induced-Hearing-Loss (NIHL) with custom ear plugs.

Enjoy the music you love performing and hearing without the risk of damaging your ears.

Reduce the risk damaging your hearing with active noise canceling ear plugs.

Bone Conduction Implants

Devices directly couple to your skull through a titanium abutment. Sound is conducted directly to the hearing organ through vibration. Percutaneous conduction is the most commonly used Bone Anchored Hearing Aid (BAHA)

Transcutaneous devices have no permanent skin penetration and use an inductive loop system to transmit sound to an internally (beneath the skin) implanted device

Learn more about Conductive Hearing Loss

A Cochlear Implant is a neuroprosthesis for patients who cannot use traditional amplification devices such as hearing aids or Bone Conduction Devices (BCD). An electrode is surgically implanted into the cochlea to stimulate the auditory nerve

Learn more about Sensorineural Hearing Loss

Surgical Techniques and Procedures

Eardrum and Middle ear surgeries include Tympanoplasty, Stapedotomy, Ossicular Chain Reconstruction, Eustachian Tuboplasty, Mastoid Surgery, Cholesteatoma Surgery.

Learn more about Surgical Procedures

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