A perforation of the eardrum (or tympanic membrane) can occur due to physical trauma (such as with a Q-Tip or cotton bud) or an infection of the ear (most commonly Otitis Media). Some perforations can heal on their own, but if they do not, a common surgical procedure known as a tympanoplasty is usually performed.


A cholesteatoma is a cyst that invades the middle ear and sometimes the mastoid. Eustachian Tube Dysfunction can increase your risk due to tympanic membrane retraction pockets. If the cholesteatoma is left untreated for too long, a surgical procedure known as a mastoidectomy may need to be performed.


A Stapedotomy is most commonly performed when a patient suffers from Otosclerosis. A small hole is drilled or lasered into the stapes footplate to facilitate prosthesis placement.


Ossicular Chain Reconstruction can improve conductive hearing losses by replacing or repairing the damaged malleus or incus bones of the middle ear. The malleus or incus bones may be rebuilt with a synthetic material.


Ventilation Tubes are tiny cylindrical tubes made of plastic or metal, that are surgically inserted into the eardrum (Tympanic Membrane). A tube ventilates the middle ear and reduces the accumulation of fluid behind the ear drum. This procedure is often used to treat ear infections of the middle ear, most commonly known as Otitis Media (OM).


Eustachian Tube Dysfunction (ETD) can increase the risk of ear infections and eardrum retraction pockets. Retraction Pockets can cause a conductive hearing loss due to cholesteatomas and/or erosion of the middle ear bones. Common surgical procedures are cartilage tympanoplasties and OCRs. A novel procedure known as a balloon Eustachian Tuboplasty can also be performed. This non-invasive procedure briefly inflates the Eustachian Tube using a balloon device which is introduced through the nose and placed into the nasopharyngeal opening of the Eustachian Tube.


A Canalplasty is often performed for patients with very narrow or non-existent ear canals. Narrow ear canals are easily blocked by ear wax and can reduce hearing. This procedure is also performed for patients with Exostoses which are benign bony growths in the ear canal. These growths may need excision or removal due to pain and/or hearing loss.


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